Antifon cartoons


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Nice words. How?

"We deserve a better country. A free, democratic country inside the EU. With citizens who won't have super privileges and the right to live at the expense of the majority. With citizens who won't have less rights than those of other Europeans. With citizens who won't be condemned to live forever under Turkey's guardianship and occupation." Eleni Theocharous MEP 5/2/2012
Μας αξίζει μια καλύτερη πατρίδα. Μια ελεύθερη, δημοκρατική πατρίδα εντός της ΕΕ. Με πολίτες που δεν θα έχουν υπερπρονόμια και το δικαίωμα να παρασιτούν σε βάρος της πλειοψηφίας. Με πολίτες που δεν θα έχουν λιγότερα δικαιώματα από εκείνα που έχουν οι λοιποί Ευρωπαίοι. Με πολίτες που δεν θα είναι καταδικασμένοι να ζουν εσαεί κάτω από την τουρκική κηδεμονία και κατοχή.

Να αναλάβουμε τις ευθύνες μας | 05/02/2012 | Με την Δρ. Ελένη Θεοχάρους | Η ΣΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ

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Turkey's Kurds & Cyprus' tCypriots

As either unitary state or federation solutions are discussed as replacements to Cyprus' 1960 and Turkey's 1923 unworkable constitutions, should we abide by "if a right is a right too many for Turkey's Kurdish community (circa 23% of population) then that right is a right too many for Cyprus' tCypriot community too (circa 15%), and vice versa." Is the adoption of this fair logic the catalyst to securing just solutions for both UN countries.