Antifon cartoons


Sunday, February 19, 2012

It's our very existence, stupid!

"We must at last sternly and decisively ask: Is there or not, among the active Greeks of Cyprus, a person with integrity ready to seek, directly from the Cypriot people, the mandate to implement a "program of correct course for Cyprus and Hellenism", as an independent, non-partisan, President of the Republic of Cyprus?

If so, he/she must announce immediately an independent and non-party affiliated candidacy, and share with the People her/his program without inhibitions and unrealistic expectations for support declarations. The Cypriot people and Hellenism deserve to have the right choice." - Panos Ioannides,  Κίνηση για ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ & ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ ΣΤΗΝ ΚΥΠΡΟ
"I disagree only with the 'immediately' part. Foreplay is crucial, which with a bit of intelligent behind the scenes preparation can yield the right results. I hear Theocharous is an avid chess player. She knows that if she makes it to round two she will be elected by a wide margin, perhaps even surpassing 2004's 76%. Because,  it's our very existence, stupid!" - Antifon


ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ ή ΟΧΙ μεταξύ των ενεργών Ελλήνων της Κύπρου άνθρωπος έντιμος και έτοιμος, που θα ζητήσει ΑΠ’ ΕΥΘΕΙΑΣ ΑΠΟ ΤΟΝ ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΟ ΛΑΟ την εντολή για να υλοποιήσει «ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΟΡΘΗΣ ΠΟΡΕΙΑΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΚΥΠΡΟ ΚΑΙ ΤΟΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟ» ως ανεξάρτητος και υπερκομματικός Πρόεδρος της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας;

ΕΑΝ ΝΑΙ, ΟΦΕΙΛΕΙ ΝΑ ΕΞΑΓΓΕΙΛΕΙ ΑΜΕΣΩΣ ΑΝΕΞΑΡΤΗΤΗ, ΥΠΕΡΚΟΜΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΥΠΟΨΗΦΙΟΤΗΤΑ και να καταθέσει το Πρόγραμμα του ενώπιον του Λαού, χωρίς αναστολές και ανεδαφικές αναμονές υποστήριξης...
Ο Κυπριακός Λαός και ο Ελληνισμός δικαιούνται να έχουν την ορθή επιλογή…

Πάνος Ιωαννίδης

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Turkey's Kurds & Cyprus' tCypriots

As either unitary state or federation solutions are discussed as replacements to Cyprus' 1960 and Turkey's 1923 unworkable constitutions, should we abide by "if a right is a right too many for Turkey's Kurdish community (circa 23% of population) then that right is a right too many for Cyprus' tCypriot community too (circa 15%), and vice versa." Is the adoption of this fair logic the catalyst to securing just solutions for both UN countries.