Matt Mattheou | 5/28/2013 9:04:04 AM | Hatred? What do you base this on?I am a Cypriot (Greek Cypriot) who has been ethnically cleansed, seen his church turned into a mosque and prevented from returning to his looted ancestral home that has now collapsed. You will site the farcical Annan plan, 'TC genocide' arguments usually put forward to counter the GCs challenge to Turkey's human rights abuses. You have a short memory regarding the 1974 events or obviously are unaware of what really happened. Consult an independent source if you can take it. Who hates who?
kibrisli TURK | 5/28/2013 7:56:08 AM | GC's as desperate as they are will always look to the EU to save their sorry souls. Unfortunately I don't see any deal whatsoever with the "Turkish North" of Cyprus or "Turkey" itself...the deepness of their hatred is the cause of this